Copertina/Cover Green Dip Hong Kong, di/by Adrien Ravon (The Why Factory, Delft University of Technology) Immagine/Image courtesy of The Why Factory, Delft University of Technology Colophon Sommario/Contents Editoriale/ Editorial Il verde funziona!/Green works! Mondo/WorldTesto di/Text by Winy Maas Urbanistica/Urbanism Il tuffo verde/The green dip Ricoprire di boschi la città/Covering the city with a forest Mondo/WorldTesto di/Text by Javier Arpa, Adrien Ravon Immagini di Lex te Loo (The Why Factory, TU Delft) e studenti del Master in City & Technology, IAAC, Barcellona, Spagna/Images by Lex te Loo (The Why Factory, TU Delft) and students of the Master in City& Technology, IAAC, Barcelona, Spain Architettura/Architecture Funziona!/ It works!Urbanatura/Urbanature Mondo/WorldTesto di/Text by Anna Yudina Foto di/Photos by Patrick Bingham-Hall, Enrique Díaz, Léopold Lambert, Myr Muratet, Takuji Shimmura Architettura/Architecture Spazio pubblico 3D/3D public space Lotti A3 e B4/Plots A3 and B4 Shenzhen, Cina/China Progetto di/Project by Node Architecture & Urbanism Foto di/Photos by Zhang Cha In costruzione/Under construction Il bosco aereo di Shanghai/Shanghai lifted forest 1, 000 Trees Shanghai, Cina/China Progetto di/Project by Heatherwick Studio Foto di/Photo by Noah Sheldon Paesaggio/Landscape Ripavimentare epiantumare in grande e rapidamente/Express mega repaving and greening Rinnovamento del Garden Ring di Mosca/Regenerating the Garden Ring, Moscow Mosca/Moscow, Russia Coordinamento dei progetti e testo di/Project coordination and text by Strelka KBFoto di/Photo by Iwan Baan, Dmitry Chistoprudov, Mark Seryy Urbanistica/Urbanism Le nuovi capitali mondiali/The new world capitals Canale di Panama, Stretto di Gibilterra, Canale di Suez, Stretto di Malacca/Panama Canal, Strait of Gibraltar, Suez Canal, Strait of Malacca Testi, ricerca, elaborazioni grafiche di/Texts, research, infographics by Renia Kagkou, Nikos Katsikis Foto di /Photos by Shawn Baldwin, Byvalet, Thomas Koehler, Viviane Moos, José Palazón, Sergi Reboredo, Jerry Redfern, Soeren Stache Architettura/Architecture Albero bianco/White tree L’ Arbre Blanc Montpellier, Francia/France Progetto di/Project by Sou Fujimoto Architects, Nicolas Laisné, Dimitri Roussel, OXO Architectes Testo di/Text by Salvator-John A. LiottaFoto di/Photos by Cyrille Weiner La scelta del critico/Pick of the crit Possiamo impilare/We can stack SESC 24 de Maio San Paolo, Brasile/Sao Paulo, BrazilProgetto di/Project by Paulo Mendes da Rocha +MMBB Arquitetos Testo di/Text by Florencia Rodriguez Foto di/Photos by Nelson Kohn, Ana Mello Cinema Crescere rimpicciolendosi/Growing smaller Downsizing Regia/Director Alexander Payne Casa di produzione/Production company Paramount Pictures Arte pubblica/Public art L’emblema dello sprawl The emblem of sprawl Coachella Valley Arts and Music Festival Indio, California Testo di/Text by Aaron Betsky Dibattito/Discussion Il futuro, da Città del Capo/The future, from Cape Town Intervista a/Interview with Ravi Naidoo Città del Capo, Sudafrica/Cape Town, South Africa Testo di/Text by Marianna Guernieri Foto di/Photos by Jonx Pillemer Prodotti per la città del futuro/Future city products La scelta di Design Indaba/Design Indaba’s choice Un report da Design Indaba 2019/A report from Design Indaba 2019 Città del Capo, Sudafrica/Cape Town, South Africa Designer e artisti/Designers and artists Shaina Garfield, Neil Harbisson, Moon Ribas, Freyja Sewell, Pascale Theron, Testi di/Texts by Marianna Guernieri Agenti per la città del futuro/Future city agents Rivelare il talento/Revealing talent Intervista a/Interview with Malcolm Reading Mondo/WorldTesto di/Text by Jan Knikker Evento/Event Governare la folla/Crowd control Hajj 2019 Masjid al-Haram, La Mecca, Arabia Saudita/Masjid al-Haram, Mecca, Saudi Arabia Testo, ricerca, elaborazioni grafiche di/Text, research, infographics by Alessandro Frigerio, Costanza La Mantia Foto di/Photos by Bandar Aldandani, Fayez Nureldine Rassegna Involucri per il pianeta/Building envelopes for the planet A cura di/Presented by Giulia Guzzini Una foto alla volta/One photo at a time An Elegy for the Death of Hamun Foto di/Photo by Hashem Shakeri A cura di/Presented by Raffaele Vertaldi