- Walter Mariotti - Viaggio in Italia / Italian journey. Palermo, Agrigento, Gibellina
- LM, GR, ES - Letture / Good reads
- Valentina Petrucci - Influssi / Influences. Winy Maas
- Francesco Franchi - Grafica / Graphics. Pablo Delcan
- Elena Sommariva - Fiere / Fairs. Stockholm Furniture Fair, Stoccolma / Stockholm
- Paul Smith - Luoghi comuni / Common places. Gallerie / Tunnels
- Manuel Orazi - Il terzo stato / The third estate. Christoph Gantenbein
- Alessandro Benetti - Interni / Interiors. Tito Canella, Tiziano Guardini, Luigi Ciuffreda, Milano / Milan
- Paola Carimati - Human design. Lemonot, Londra / London, UK
- Silvana Annicchiarico - Talenti / Talents. Sara Bozzini, Lisbona, Portogallo / Lisbon, Portugal
- Cecilia Fabiani - Aziende / Companies. Flessya
- ES - Collaborazioni / Partnerships. Issey Miyake, Ronan Bouroullec
- Chiara Cantoni - Nautica / Nautical. Arcadia Yachts
- LM - Esterni / Outdoor. Space Copenhagen, &Tradition
- WM - Showroom. Paul Smith, Milano, Italia / Milan, Italy
- Javier Arpa Fernández - Emerging territories. Charlanta, USA
- Cristina Moro - Mnemosine. Lella e Massimo Vignelli, Acerbis
- Giulia Ricci - Punti di vista / Points of view. Carlos Moreno, Michelle Provoost
- Daniela Brogi - Finzioni / Fictions. Perfect Days
- Market news - AGC Flat Glass Italia, BBB Italia, Schüco International Italia
- Inserto / Insert - Autostrade per l’Italia. Qui s’è fatta l’Italia / Where Italy was made
- WM, Valentina Croci, MVG - I numeri, le visioni, i protagonisti / The numbers, the visions, the protagonists
- Rassegna Marianna Guernieri Serramenti / Frames
- Rassegna Marianna Guernieri Intervista a / Interview with Elena Salmistraro
- LM - Premi per l’arte / Art prizes. Richard Mille Art Prize
- Walter Mariotti - Casa fuori casa- Borgo Santo Pietro
- Imparare dal passato / Learning from the past
- Grandi progetti e investimenti privati / Grand projects and private funding
- Il senso della conservazione / The sense of preservation
- ASA Studio – Active Social Architecture Busogo School, Ruanda / Rwanda
- Approach Design Studio Huizhen High School, Ningbo, Cina / China
- Lyons Architecture / Boola Katitjin, Murdoch, Perth, Australia.
- MASS Design Group / The Ellen DeGeneres Campus, Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, Kinigi, Ruanda / Rwanda
- Architectural Pioneering Consultants con / with Wolfgang Rossbauer Simba Vision Montessori Campus, Ngabobo, Tanzania
- Alan Vaughan-Richards
- Ronan Bouroullec, Chapelle Saint-Michel de Brasparts, Francia / France
- Una tecnica antica che guarda al futuro / An ancient technique that looks to the future
- Foster sull’arte / Foster on art - Cristina Iglesias, Londra, Regno Unito / London, United Kingdom
- Book reviews - Pensiero radicale e cultura del fallimento / Radical thinking and the science of failing well
- Postscript - Rimanete studenti / Stay a student
- Deborah Berke. Formare alla sostenibilità urbana / Teaching urban sustainability
- Il futuro di formazione e storia / The future of education and history
- Walter Mariotti - Viaggio in Italia / Italian journey. Palermo, Agrigento, Gibellina
- LM, GR, ES - Letture / Good reads
- Valentina Petrucci - Influssi / Influences. Winy Maas
- Francesco Franchi - Grafica / Graphics. Pablo Delcan
- Elena Sommariva - Fiere / Fairs. Stockholm Furniture Fair, Stoccolma / Stockholm
- Paul Smith - Luoghi comuni / Common places. Gallerie / Tunnels
- Manuel Orazi - Il terzo stato / The third estate. Christoph Gantenbein
- Alessandro Benetti - Interni / Interiors. Tito Canella, Tiziano Guardini, Luigi Ciuffreda, Milano / Milan
- Paola Carimati - Human design. Lemonot, Londra / London, UK
- Silvana Annicchiarico - Talenti / Talents. Sara Bozzini, Lisbona, Portogallo / Lisbon, Portugal
- Cecilia Fabiani - Aziende / Companies. Flessya
- ES - Collaborazioni / Partnerships. Issey Miyake, Ronan Bouroullec
- Chiara Cantoni - Nautica / Nautical. Arcadia Yachts
- LM - Esterni / Outdoor. Space Copenhagen, &Tradition
- WM - Showroom. Paul Smith, Milano, Italia / Milan, Italy
- Javier Arpa Fernández - Emerging territories. Charlanta, USA
- Cristina Moro - Mnemosine. Lella e Massimo Vignelli, Acerbis
- Giulia Ricci - Punti di vista / Points of view. Carlos Moreno, Michelle Provoost
- Daniela Brogi - Finzioni / Fictions. Perfect Days
- Market news - AGC Flat Glass Italia, BBB Italia, Schüco International Italia
- Inserto / Insert - Autostrade per l’Italia. Qui s’è fatta l’Italia / Where Italy was made
- WM, Valentina Croci, MVG - I numeri, le visioni, i protagonisti / The numbers, the visions, the protagonists
- Rassegna Marianna Guernieri Serramenti / Frames
- Rassegna Marianna Guernieri Intervista a / Interview with Elena Salmistraro
- LM - Premi per l’arte / Art prizes. Richard Mille Art Prize
- Walter Mariotti - Casa fuori casa- Borgo Santo Pietro
- Imparare dal passato / Learning from the past
- Grandi progetti e investimenti privati / Grand projects and private funding
- Il senso della conservazione / The sense of preservation
- ASA Studio – Active Social Architecture Busogo School, Ruanda / Rwanda
- Approach Design Studio Huizhen High School, Ningbo, Cina / China
- Lyons Architecture / Boola Katitjin, Murdoch, Perth, Australia.
- MASS Design Group / The Ellen DeGeneres Campus, Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, Kinigi, Ruanda / Rwanda
- Architectural Pioneering Consultants con / with Wolfgang Rossbauer Simba Vision Montessori Campus, Ngabobo, Tanzania
- Alan Vaughan-Richards
- Ronan Bouroullec, Chapelle Saint-Michel de Brasparts, Francia / France
- Una tecnica antica che guarda al futuro / An ancient technique that looks to the future
- Foster sull’arte / Foster on art - Cristina Iglesias, Londra, Regno Unito / London, United Kingdom
- Book reviews - Pensiero radicale e cultura del fallimento / Radical thinking and the science of failing well
- Postscript - Rimanete studenti / Stay a student
- Deborah Berke. Formare alla sostenibilità urbana / Teaching urban sustainability
- Il futuro di formazione e storia / The future of education and history