- EDITORIALE / Editorial
Bjarke Ingels
Cemento / Concrete
- SAGGI E TAVOLE / Essays and tables
- Sam Lubell, Greg Goldin
Una storia ricca di inventiva e bellezza / A history rich in inventiveness and beauty –
- Filippo Carapagna, Shane Dallac
In continua evoluzione / In endless evolution –
- Leah Ellis
Da un passato polveroso alla ribalta dell’innovazione / A dusty old material on the stage at the forefront of innovation –
Un materiale onnipresente / The ubiquitous material –
- Jason Ballard
Dagli antichi romani ai robot / From Romans to robots –
Aggregati e additivi / Aggregates and additives –
- Philippe Block, Alessandro Dell’Endice, Tom Van Mele
Ripensare le costruzioni in calcestruzzo / Rethinking concrete construction
- VISITA IN STUDIO / Studio visit
- Bjarke Ingels
Ensamble Studio
Antón García-Abril, Débora Mesa
Madrid, ES
- ARCHITETTURA / Architecture
- Christian Kerez
Un’esperienza spaziale in continuo flusso / A spatial experience in constant flux
Charlène Renée Bzimira, München, DE –
- Alejandro Aravena
Forze uguali e contrarie / Equal and opposing forces
Elemental, RIBA Building, Londra, UK –
- Thomas Pfifer
Facciata sospesa / Suspended facade
Thomas Phifer and Partners, Museum and Modern Art in Warsaw (MSN Warsaw) –
- HArquitectes
Un materiale eclettico / An eclectic material
HArquitectes, Barcelona, ES; Bell-lloc, Bell-lloc d’Urgell, Pla de Mallorca, ES –
- Bolle Tham, Martin Videgård
Casa in collina / House on a hill
Tham & Videgård Arkitekter, Stoccolma, SE –
- Tony Chenchow, Stephanie Little
Tono di forme / Unity of forms
Chenchow Little Architects, Sídney, AU –
- Pezo von Ellrichshausen
Tra cielo e terra / Between sky and earth
Pezo von Ellrichshausen Architects, Santa Lucia Hill, Valparaíso, CL –
- Julien De Smedt
Ritmo in orizzontale / Organic urbanization
Julien De Smedt Architects, Senec, Toskana, IT; Jakarta, ID –
- MBL Architects
Tecnica e intuizione / Technique and intuition
MBL Architects, Japan –
- Studio Moto
Dialogo col paesaggio / A dialogue with the landscape
Studio Moto, BE –
- Keisuke Oka
Improvvisare in cantiere / Improvising on the building site
Keisuke Oka, Tokyo, JP
- Lauren Gihm Studio
La vita ai piedi del muro / Life at the foot of the wall
Muraglia del Giappone The Great Wall of Japan
- ARTE / Art
- Katja Schenker
Rendere tangibile il tempo e materia / A tangible expression of time and material
Zurigo, CH
- OSSIMORO / Oxymoron
- Antón García-Abril, Débora Mesa
Leggerezza massiccia / Massive lightness
- Bjarke Ingels
Un eroe incompreso / A misunderstood hero
- EDITORIALE / Editorial
Bjarke Ingels
Cemento / Concrete
- SAGGI E TAVOLE / Essays and tables
- Sam Lubell, Greg Goldin
Una storia ricca di inventiva e bellezza / A history rich in inventiveness and beauty –
- Filippo Carapagna, Shane Dallac
In continua evoluzione / In endless evolution –
- Leah Ellis
Da un passato polveroso alla ribalta dell’innovazione / A dusty old material on the stage at the forefront of innovation –
Un materiale onnipresente / The ubiquitous material –
- Jason Ballard
Dagli antichi romani ai robot / From Romans to robots –
Aggregati e additivi / Aggregates and additives –
- Philippe Block, Alessandro Dell’Endice, Tom Van Mele
Ripensare le costruzioni in calcestruzzo / Rethinking concrete construction
- VISITA IN STUDIO / Studio visit
- Bjarke Ingels
Ensamble Studio
Antón García-Abril, Débora Mesa
Madrid, ES
- ARCHITETTURA / Architecture
- Christian Kerez
Un’esperienza spaziale in continuo flusso / A spatial experience in constant flux
Charlène Renée Bzimira, München, DE –
- Alejandro Aravena
Forze uguali e contrarie / Equal and opposing forces
Elemental, RIBA Building, Londra, UK –
- Thomas Pfifer
Facciata sospesa / Suspended facade
Thomas Phifer and Partners, Museum and Modern Art in Warsaw (MSN Warsaw) –
- HArquitectes
Un materiale eclettico / An eclectic material
HArquitectes, Barcelona, ES; Bell-lloc, Bell-lloc d’Urgell, Pla de Mallorca, ES –
- Bolle Tham, Martin Videgård
Casa in collina / House on a hill
Tham & Videgård Arkitekter, Stoccolma, SE –
- Tony Chenchow, Stephanie Little
Tono di forme / Unity of forms
Chenchow Little Architects, Sídney, AU –
- Pezo von Ellrichshausen
Tra cielo e terra / Between sky and earth
Pezo von Ellrichshausen Architects, Santa Lucia Hill, Valparaíso, CL –
- Julien De Smedt
Ritmo in orizzontale / Organic urbanization
Julien De Smedt Architects, Senec, Toskana, IT; Jakarta, ID –
- MBL Architects
Tecnica e intuizione / Technique and intuition
MBL Architects, Japan –
- Studio Moto
Dialogo col paesaggio / A dialogue with the landscape
Studio Moto, BE –
- Keisuke Oka
Improvvisare in cantiere / Improvising on the building site
Keisuke Oka, Tokyo, JP
- Lauren Gihm Studio
La vita ai piedi del muro / Life at the foot of the wall
Muraglia del Giappone The Great Wall of Japan
- ARTE / Art
- Katja Schenker
Rendere tangibile il tempo e materia / A tangible expression of time and material
Zurigo, CH
- OSSIMORO / Oxymoron
- Antón García-Abril, Débora Mesa
Leggerezza massiccia / Massive lightness
- Bjarke Ingels
Un eroe incompreso / A misunderstood hero